Facebook is about to mass delete a lot of old live streams
Meta will send 90-day notifications before wiping older videos.
Read full article on The Verge
New in the last 18 hours
Want to fight misinformation on Facebook? Join the Meta Community Notes editor waitlist
New in the last 24 hours
Users can now sign up for Meta's Community Notes program on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads
New in the last 36 hours
Twitch Announces New Storage Limits, Threatening Gamer Archives
New in the last 48 hours
Twitch is limiting streamers to 100 hours of Highlights and Uploads
Twitch streamers' uploads and highlights can no longer exceed 100 hours
Twitch caps streamers’ storage at 100 hours of highlights and uploads
Twitch’s new storage limits will purge huge swaths of Internet gaming history
Meta starts accepting sign-ups for Community Notes on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads
New in the last 3 days
Facebook Just Made a Big Change to How It Stores Live Videos
Twitch community guideline violations will now disappear from accounts after a set time